Sona Folic Acid


Sona Folic Acid provides 400µg of this B vitamin which is necessary for maternal tissue growth during pregnancy & conception, cell division and blood formation.

Folic Acid is also important for homocysteine metabolism, normal psychological functions, normal amino acid synthesis, the immune system and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue

I confirm I have read the instructions completely and have checked if it will interfere with any medications I am currently taking.

  • 100% of the recommended dose per tablet for before and during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy suitable
  • Tissue growth during pregnancy, cell division and blood formation
  • Immune health
  • Reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • 90 tablets – ONE-A-DAY – 3 month supply
  • No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives
  • Folic Acid: Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, a B-group vitamin. Folate is required for a baby’s cells to divide during pregnancy, as well as for the development of their nervous system. It is within the first few weeks of pregnancy that the neural tube closes and fuses. Later, within pregnancy, it develops into the baby’s brain and spinal cord. As a result, a lack in folate can cause neural tube defects. The World Health Organisation recommend that women should supplement with 400µg of folic acid while attempting pregnancy and until they are 3 months pregnant (the first trimester).


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Sona Folic Acid